Waldorf Refund Policy for Residential Programs

所有课程的退课申请必须向学生教务处提出,退款将以退课日期为准. Your withdrawal date will be determined by the university as (1) the date you began the university’s withdrawal process or the date you officially notified the registrar of your intent to withdraw; (2) the midpoint of the semester (if you withdraw without notifying the university); or (3) your last date of attendance in an academically-related activity as documented by the university. If you withdraw from the University before completing 60 percent of the semester, you may receive a refund on tuition and board charges.

你有权获得退款的学费和食宿费部分是按百分比计算的,方法是将学期的总日历天数与你退学前完成的日历天数进行比较. (一学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息时间.例如:, if you complete 30 percent of the semester, you would receive a refund of 70 percent of the tuition and board charges you were originally billed. There is no refund on fees, room costs or other incidental charges. Any tuition refunds due will be issued within 30 business days.

Iowa State Refund Exception

If, 在任何时候, 爱荷华州的学生终止高等教育计划,由于学生的身体残疾或配偶搬迁到另一个城市, 终止学习的学生应获得学费退款,退款金额等于该学生已收取的学费乘以该学期剩余日历天数与该学期总日历天数之比.

Return of Federal Title IV Financial Aid Funds Policy

As part of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, 国会通过了新的规定,规定如果你在任何一个学期完全退学,你的联邦财政援助必须如何处理. This change of policy went into effect at Waldorf during the beginning of the fall 2000 semester. The policy governs all federal grant and loan programs including Federal Pell Grant, 联邦珀金斯贷款, 联邦SEOG, Federal Academic Competitive Grant, 联邦SMART补助金, 联邦教育补助金 and Federal Direct Loans. The policy doesn't affect Federal Work-Study.

在一般情况下, 法律假设你获得的联邦财政援助奖励直接与你参加的学期天数成比例. If you completely withdraw from school during a term, 学校必须根据一个特定的公式来计算你已经获得的总计划经济援助的部分,因此你有资格获得直到你退出的时间. If you receive (or the university receives on your behalf) less assistance than the amount you have earned, you may be able to receive those additional funds.

你有权获得的联邦助学金和贷款部分是按百分比计算的,方法是将学期的总日历天数与你退出前完成的日历天数进行比较. (一学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息时间.例如:, if you complete 30 percent of the semester, you earn 30 percent of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. 这意味着我们70%的预定奖励仍未获得,必须归还给联邦政府.

Federal aid funds are returned in the following order, both by the university and the student:

  • Unsubsidized Federal Direct 工作人员ord Loans
  • Subsidized Federal Direct 工作人员ord Loans
  • 联邦珀金斯贷款
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loans
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦ACG补助金
  • 联邦SMART补助金
  • 联邦SEOG拨款
  • 联邦教育补助金
  • Other federal aid programs

Once you have completed more than 60 percent of the semester, you can be said to have earned all (100 percent) of your assistance. 如果你在完成学期的60%之前退出大学(无论是正式的还是非正式的), you may have to repay any unearned federal funds that were already disbursed to you. Your withdrawal date will be determined by the university as (1) the date you began the university withdrawal process or the date you officially notified the registrar of your intent to withdraw; (2) the midpoint of the semester (if you withdraw without notifying the university); or (3) your last date of attendance at an academically-related activity as documented by the university.

If you have received excess funds that must be returned to the government, the university shares with you the responsibility of returning those excess funds. The university’s portion of the excess funds to be returned is equal to the lesser of:

  • The entire amount of the excess funds, or
  • Your total tuition and fee charges multiplied by the percentage of un-earned funds.

If the university is not required to return all of the excess funds, you must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that you must return must be repaid according to the terms of your promissory note. If you must return any grant funds, the law provides that the amount you must repay is to be reduced by 50 percent. This means that you only have to return half of any excess funds you receive. 如果归还未获得的联邦援助导致你的学费和费用的任何部分被发现, you will be billed by the university. In such cases, you will be required to make arrangements with the business office to pay the balance. 退款和调整后的账单将在退学后发送到学生的家庭住址,并在注册办公室存档. 在归还第四章和其他资金后,学生负责支付未偿还的任何部分机构费用.

Any award money you do to return is considered a federal grant overpayment. You must either repay the amount due in full or make satisfactory arrangements with the U.S. Department of Education to repay the amount. 您必须在大学通知您超额付款状态之日起45天内完成这些安排,否则将有可能失去进一步获得联邦财政援助的资格. 你可以联系美国.S. Department of Education Claims Division at 800.621.3115.

Return of Institutional Funds Policy

If a student withdraws before the end of a term after receiving institutional financial aid payments, 根据大学第四章资金返还到学生账户的公式计算的百分比将用于计算机构资金返还金额. The only institutional funds that are exempt from this policy is Institutional Work-Study.

您有权获得的机构资助部分是通过比较您在退出之前完成的日历天数来按百分比计算的. (一学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息时间.例如:, if you complete 30 percent of the semester, you earn 30 percent of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. 这意味着你70%的计划奖励仍未获得,必须退还给澳门网上博彩官方网站.

Return of State Iowa Funds Policy

If a student withdraws before the end of a term after receiving state financial aid payments, 根据学校机构资金返还到学生账户的公式计算的百分比必须用于计算国家资金返还金额. 唯一不受此政策限制的州奖学金或助学金项目是州勤工俭学项目.

Waldorf Refund Policy for Online Programs

学生 who wish to drop/withdraw from a course or withdraw from their program are encouraged to complete the course drop/withdrawal form located in myWaldorf 学生门户; however, students may withdraw in any manner by contacting the Office of the 注册商. Any refunds due will be issued within 30 business days. 学费 refunds for course withdrawals are based on the Refund Policy for Online Programs. 所有在退课日期之后退课的学生将被收取20%的注册费, up to a maximum registration fee of $150 for the term. 在学期开始日期起七个日历日内取消课程,将退还全额学费和注册费. Refunds are issued from 0-to-60 percent completion of calendar days in the term, in compliance with regulatory requirements. 因此, refund eligibility occurs up to the 60 percent threshold, prior to the conclusion of week five. 剩余的学费将根据课程开课日期和以下列出的学费百分比退还.

Refund Amounts Based on 时间 for Standard Terms
时间 百分比
第一个星期 100%
第二周 80%
第三周 60%
第四个星期 40%
第五周 20%
第六周 没有退款

*This registration fee does not apply to Iowa residents. 学生 are not permitted to withdraw from a course after the term end date.

Refund Amounts Based on 时间 for Special Mini-Terms
时间 百分比
第一个星期 100%
第二周 60%
第三周 20%
第四个星期 0%

*This registration fee does not apply to Iowa residents. 学生 are not permitted to withdraw from a course after the term end date.

Iowa State Refund Exception

If, 在任何时候, an Iowa student terminates a postsecondary educational program due to the student’s physical incapacity, 终止学习的学生应获得学费退款,退款金额等于该学生已收取的学费乘以该学期剩余日历天数与该学期总日历天数之比.
